
It’s My Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To

Melanie Martinez is the perfect blend of kawaii, edgy, and macabre. While she first became known by being on the show The Voice, Melanie quickly paved a way for herself. Last year, she released her Dollhouse EP and her full-length album is due to be released sometime this year. I got the chance to watch her perform live at Chicago’s Lincoln Hall earlier this year. She sounds just as good live as she does in her studio recordings.


In more recent news, this lady just released a new music video for her song titled “Pity Party” and dammit, I love it so much. I’ve been listening to her song non-stop for the past 30 minutes (and will probably be doing so for the next few days until I get so tired of it that I want to barf). This song sounds so catchy, but the lyrics are aggressive and very angry. It makes me want to think cry, cut up stuffed animals, burn down a house, and freak out with Melanie while shouting “It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to”. I swear I’m not crazy… just watch her music video and you’ll know what I mean haha. Check it out and let me know what you think?

If you like this song, then click continue reading (or scroll down if you already clicked on continue reading) to hear some other songs by her!

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